Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday . . . Not a Day of Rest When Visiting London!

Sunday started out with a couch tour. As you might expect, I was lost with most of the history stuff. Besides, I figure I can always google those facts, if I need them. I did, however, learn the most important dates in British History 1066 (the invasion of Normandy), 1666 (the great fire of London) and 1966 (the year London won the World Cup). I found it fascinating that to visit museums in London is generally free while it costs money to visit the churches.
We went by the Tower of London (pictured) and heard of some gruesome stories about executions. I didn't know details about chopping people's heads off, that it was done by butchers whose knives may not have been too sharp! Then they stuck the heads on a pole and put it on the London Bridge. This was a conspicuous place where those condemned to death would pass under on their way to the Town of London! Talk about a reality check!

If you weren't important enough to be beheaded at the Tower of London, there were other places where they had public gallows! I learned that the expression "one for the road" came from the fact that on the way to your execution that they would stop at a pub and you could have you last drink! Afterwards, you were "on the wagon" which meant that you would have no more drinks! I wonder of those on traveling to executions ever "fell off the wagon?"

We then stopped at St. Paul's Cathedral. In case you don't remember, this is where Charles and Diana were married. This is this the only church named after a saint; all the other churches are named after the city. A little trivia - It took 35 years to build! It is in front of this Cathedral where Mary Poppins fed the pigeons! From there, we traveled up Fleet Street which used to be known as the Street of Ink as that is where all the newspapers were located. They've all since moved away, but on the news, you'll still here, "Fleet street says . . . "

On the way past the National Museum, we saw a statue of George Washington. Apparently he once said that he would never again step foot on British soil. So, the dirt under his statue is dirt that was brought over from America. We also saw Nelson Mandela's statue in Parliament Square. This was placed in 2007 and was the first statue of a black man in London. In that same square are statues of Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill. Churchill is placed facing a pub because, apparently, he was quite a drinker. We learned a couple of interesting quotes by him. I learned that when asked if he was drunk, he replied yes, but that in the morning he would be sober and the woman who asked would still be ugly! Another woman once said that if she were married to him, she would poison his drink. To this he replied that if were married to her, he'd drink it! Quite the witty fellow!

After all of this, I came back and then went to church! Church was followed by our flat meeting, which I would suggest is really designed for the 18-21 crowd. It was all about being respectful as roommates and keeping things clean! The three of us, with an average age near 40 were not impressed, but were polite. We are all playing well together! I did learn that the reason that they have co-ed flats (not bedrooms, but flats) is because they have found that if you have an all-guy flat that the place gets really messy! Can you imagine that?

Because I didn't have a scheduled walk today and fearing that my legs might get out of the habit, I walked quite a long way of my own volition! The highlight of my walk is that someone asked me for directions and I knew the answer! This was quite the thrill and boost in confidence! The history of this area is remarkable and they want you to know it! To that end, there are markers indicating where notable people have lived.

Along the way, I stopped by an Anglican Church that advertised a contemporary music performance and found myself in the middle of contemporary liturgical music! In this context, I soon realized, contemporary meant that it was recently written, not that it was contemporary stylistically!

I did stop and buy a map because, while I have toured around and have been walking a lot, I had no idea where anything is in relation to "home." I am quite excited now! I have hope of getting quite comfortable here in London!


  1. Sounds like you are doing GREAT! I love reading your posts!!!

  2. Good Morning Judy!

    Wow, great blog...I feel like I'm right there with you.

    Isabella is really enjoying the ipad. What a great gift!!! Thank you.

    Enjoy yourself!!!! All is well here....

  3. Sounds like you are having a great time so far! I can't wait to continue the journey with you as I read your posts. It's almost like I'm there too. =)
