Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where was I - oh, yes, Wednesday!

This is why I need to post every day. It is so hard to remember because I am getting to do so much!

On Wednesday morning, on the recommendation of Dr. Karioth, i headed out to the Foundlings Museum. The Foundlings were children who were taken in rather than to be left on the street to die. This started as a hospital of sorts and was really a big boarding school. Amazingly it was in operation beginning in the 1700's all the way into the 1950's.

On of the exhibits they have is of people who lived there telling there story. It was profound hear from their perspective. As with anything, the stories varied, but all here intense. There were photos which reminded me of my high school reunion, with people laughing, but there many more sad images.

One interesting fact was that Handel (yes, of Handel's Messiah) was a huge supported of the hospital and used to do annual performances of the Messiah as a fundraiser! The top floor of the museum is dedicated to him and contains a collection of his music. They even have chairs where you can simply listen and enjoy.

From there, I headed on a meandering walk and discovered that the Lion King has a matinee on Wednesdays! Needless to say, I bought a ticket. The only problem with the afternoon performance is there there are a zillion children on trips with their class! Teachers really need to inform the children that it is not necessary to clap long with every song that has a beat! Other than that, it was an amazing show! I am constantly amazed with the creative mind that so many people appear to have! But I am thankful for those who use it for good and not for evil!

I had purchased tickets to see Billy Elliot in advance so that was my plan for the evening! This required that I go to a part of London that I had never been! I diligently checked and determined that I needed to be on the 38 bus. I was certain that I knew where the stop was, so I headed out. As I always do, as I boarded, I asked if this bus would take me to my desired destination. It wouldn't! The driver looked in his little book and found that I needed to catch the bus at a different stop, so I headed in the direction he sent me.

Upon my arrival at the stop, I realized that the 38 bus didn't come to this stop. However, the good signage indicated that the 78 bus would get me there. So I waited and waited. In the meantime, I kelp seeing 38 buses, but always turned just before getting to the stop where I was waiting. I was getting concerned so I decided that I'd walk to a different stop to get the 38 as I had originally planned. The problem was that when it turned the corner, I realized that this was a London intersection that had like five streets coming together and I had no idea which way the 38 bus went. In the end, I had walked around the block and ended up on the 78 bus, finally on my way.

Well, the 78 bus stops at every corner along Oxford street! I was certain i was going to be late! I was trying to tell myself to relax be use there was nothing that I could do. Keep in mind that even when I got to my destination, I had no idea where the theatre was and I had to pick up my ticket at the box office since I bought it online!

This was the first time that I had really been frustrated getting around London. I hate being late and I hate the panicked feeling of knowing I am going to be late and there was nothing I could do about it! I was not a happy camper, but was proud that I didn't just give up and go back home.

I was in my seat at 7:28 for the 7:30 start! It was so worth the stress. It was an amazing show! The music and the dancing was wonderful. I was in total awe to see this young boy with so very much talent! My favorite part was after he had danced his audition (I am not going to explain the show so you'll have to trust me), this young man, broke into a huge grin! He nailed in and he knew it! I am sure he wasn't supposed to do that, but it was wonderful to sees that he was enjoying himself so very much!

As I was leaving, I ended up on the 38 bus heading home and it was a perfect trip back from what turned out to be a wonderful evening in London!

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